Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Audio Transcription: Best Transcriber Qualities

Transcribing audio or video into text has been in the industry since the beginning of the computer age, it was not an industry back then but a common means to better profiling and recording. Hence the beginning of the industry of Audio Transcription.Transcripts are the results of media being converted into digital written text.

As the industry boomed, transcriptions has been classified into different groups depending on the industry it actually served or came from. For courts and lawyers, it is termed as legal transcription, for doctors and other medical professionals, it is referred to as medical transcriptions. For everything else, we can refer to it now as general transcription.

General Transcription can range from business conference calls, to marketing research focus groups discussions, voice mails, and any other non-specialty industry.

Creating usable and effective transcripts, a person must have a complete trait set in order to cope up in the ever growing industry of transcriptions.
Expert Listening

If pilots require keen eye sight, transcribers need more than just that. Each transcriber should have a good paid of ears to be able to catch the important sounds that may escape the naked ear. Voice recordings can be very tricky and it depends on what type of recording you are handling, and speech accents does not make the job any easier. On this industry, a good listener really pays.
Internet Savvy

Be internet savvy and know how to utilize your resources. Sometimes words can be too confusing, but that does not give the transcriber an excuse to not key in the right term. There is always a way and Google is always your best friend.

Step 1: Know your account/client and what is he/she talking about

Step 2: Make basic searches on the topic and know a little more about what the client is talking about.

Step 3: Google is your friend, search with the words closest to the non-understandable term
Fast and Accurate Typing

Typing really fast is a skill on its own just make sure it is accurate. In transcriptions, time is always of the essence. You can have your files done in 3 business days, in 1 business day, and in 4 hours! Yes, we can't avoid rush works for some industries and the transcription service industry must be ready for it.
Technically Equipped

It is important to have all the right tools in order to more effectively transcribe audio files to text. A workable headset is very important to make sure that the audio that comes in is as clear and modulated as it should. Another transcription only tool would be the pedal. There are some words that you really can't understand but if spoken slowly or at a specific moderation would sound more clear and sensible.

Transcribing media files is a challenge and a legit business industry which we only see growing as the business sector grows as well.
Author: Ron Jacobsen writes for TranscriptioWing, a Civicom brand offering audio transcription services that is also integrated in the core business of Civicom in providing global marketing research services.Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

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