Saturday, September 24, 2011

Medical Transcription Software: Will It Replace Transcriptionists?

Just like the implementation of technology has affected so many industries in the world today, medical transcription is certainly no exception. In fact, few industries have been changed as much as the medical transcription business and some people may be concerned that the large number of people that are employed in medical transcription will one day be out of work because of the advances in the technology.

To put it very simply, nothing could be further from the truth. It is hard to imagine a point where information that is taken from a speech file will not have to be looked at by human eyes to ensure its quality and accuracy. As much as the medical transcription software has become more proficient in taking speech files and changing them into text, nothing can provide quality assurance like the human mind.

What this medical transcription software has enabled people to do is to have a file delivered to them in text format that is more accurate and easier to work with. If a medical transcriptionist receives a file that is nearly verbatim to the speech that has been submitted by a medical practitioner it will make their work much easier. As they experience an increase in productivity, it will provide them with increased job satisfaction and medical transcription companies will become more profitable as a result.

One of the most likely scenarios is that patient files improve in quality. Because large amounts of information can be quickly and efficiently transferred into a patient file, this means that they can be made more complete at a lower cost. Not only that, but the turnaround times will be shortened and client files can remain more current than they are now. This translates in to making the job easier for Health Care professionals and making service better for patients.

Another reason why it is hard to imagine that demand for medical transcriptionists to reduce is the fact that the Health Care profession continues to grow. Not only will there be more information required per patient but there will be more patients. There's no disputing the fact that the population continues to grow in size and the population also continues to grow older. As life expectancy increases and people are living longer into their golden years, those people will have an increased need for Health Care Services. The patient file of somebody who is 80 years old is likely to be much thicker than that of somebody who is 30 years old. The reality is that it will be a larger electronic patient file rather than folders that have been used historically.

People should not be dissuaded by the proliferation of excellent medical transcription software. It remains an excellent profession of choice for many people and many software platforms will allow for people to work at home. This will give greater flexibility to employees and reduce costs for medical transcription companies. It's reasonable to assume that the demand for medical transcriptionists will increase, and the potential profits for medical transcription companies are encouraging.
Author:M.S. Faraone
Transcription software can make the medical transcription industry more productive. Reports can now be delivered more accurately and in less time. Learn more about what the best transcription software can do.

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